Multimedia Installations

The Changing Climate Show

(Science North, Sudbury, Ontario) 2011 (winner of the THEA Award (Anaheim, California) for Outstanding Achievement – Attraction: Limited Budget 2012) (winner of the Best Institutions Media Installation at the Jackson Hole Film Festival-Science Media Awards in Wyoming 2012) (nominated for the Trille Or for best soundtrack 2013)

Note: This is a 3 screen multimedia object theater.

Credits: music / sound design /5.1 mix

Between The Stars: Exploring Dark Matter

Note: The two screens are superimposed in the theater space, giving a 3D effect. The mix was originally in 5.1

Body Trek

(Denver Museum of Nature, Denver, Colorado) 2009

Credits: composer / sound designer

Otis’ Migration

(McNeil Avian Center Philadelphia Zoo) 2009 (winner of the Trille Or for best soundtrack 2011), (winner of the THEA Award 2010 (Universal Studios, Hollywood) for Outstanding Achievement – Zoo Attraction: Limited Budget)

Note: the show is presented on 4 screens (as in the mockup shown in the first clip). Originally a 5.1 mix.

Credits : composer / sound designer

Creatures of the Abyss

(traveling exhibit – Bishop Museum – Honolulu, Houston Space Center and other sites throughout the U.S., Canada and Asia) 2009 – 2015

Bioluminescence dual screen theater.

Credits: composer / sound designer / original 5.1 mix

Club Genome

(Science North, Sudbury, Ontario) 2009

Note: This is an object theater with one screen and many objects in the room.

Credits: music / sound design / 5.1 mix

The Climate Change Show

(Connecticut Science Center) 2009 (Singapore Science Center) 2008, and (Glasgow, Scotland) 2004, also on tour throughout North America until 2012 (available in DVD format) winner of the Canadian Environment Awards (CEA) Silver in Climate Change Category (2004)

Note: This is a multi-screen object theater.

Credits: music / sound design

Rocks to Riches

(Dynamic Earth, Sudbury, Ontario) 2008

Credits: Music, sound design, 4.1 mixes

Western Skies

(The Plaza Theater, El Paso, Texas) 2008

Credits: music / sound design

Engineered for Speed

The Barbados Concorde Experience (Grantley Adams Airport, Barbados) 2007

Credits: music / sound design

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