Multimedia Installations

Extinction Theater

(Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa) 2006 (winner of the Trille Or for best soundtrack 2007)

Credits: composer / sound designer, mix supervision

Ends of The Earth

(San Diego Museum of Natural History, San Diego California, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, and several other sites throughout the U.S. and Canada) 2007-2013

Credits: music, original 4.1 mix

Lodge Life

(Tourism Discovery Center, Williams Lake, British Columbia ) 2007

Credits: music

Vale Chasm Show

(Dynamic Earth, Sudbury) 2007

A multimedia show seen from inside a descending glass elevator.

Credits: composer / sound designer / 4.1 mix

Awakening of the Temple

(Aztec on the River, San Antonio, Texas)  2005 (winner of the THEA Award (Orlando, Florida) for Outstanding Achievement – Attraction: Limited Budget  2008)

Credits: co-composer with Xavier Quijas Ycayotl

Exploring Chimpanzees: The Remarkable World of Jane Goodall

(Wichita, Kansas and several other sites throughout the U.S.) 2002-2010, Winner of the Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) Best Exhibit Award (2003)

Credits: music. mixes, soundscapes

Brain Magic

(The Science Museum of Minesota, St. Paul, Minnesota) 1999

Credits: music

Ford Design Studio

(The Spirit of Ford Science Center, Dearborn, Michigan) 1999

Credits: music, sound design, 5.1 mix supervision

Teamworks Theater

(The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, California) 1999

Credits: music, sound design

Red River Adventure

(Sci-port Discovery Center, Shreveport, Louisiana) 1998

Credits: music, sound design, 4.1 mix supervision, song production

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